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75 Micron Woven Wire Test Sieves

Wire mesh test sieves have several popular microns or filteration ratings including 75 micron, 15micron, 25micron, 45micron, mainly used in the precision seperation of minute particles.

Case Stuy of 75 micron wire mesh sieves:

Materila: AISI 304L

Weave pattern: plain  weave

Wire diameter:0.035mm

Opening:75 micron

Width: 0.5m--1.5m

Length: 10--50m

Application: Sieving screen or lab test sieving mesh.

Benefits: A high degree of stainless steel lead to high precision, good abrasion resistant and corrosion resistance;

Sophisticated technology is used for manufacture to ensure tight and not deformed sieve, to prevent cross contamination;

 Optical inspection ensure quality.

75 Micron Test Sieves

Bolhes Test Sieve Co.